Saturday, February 27, 2010


Toukee was such a fun project!. How can the logo not be cute and fun with a name like Toukee! so we designed one of the cutest logo's ever..a little purple octopus keeping his noggin cozy warm with a Toukee, Just like the locals of Tofino and Ucluelet keep there heads warm wearing this great product. Toukee's can be purchased in stores around Ucluelet, Tofino and Courtenay B.C. You can also get a custom Toukee made from!!! check it out!

Mow Joes

One of our first clients was Mow Joes - Affordable ORGANIC Yard Maintenance for the Average Joe. They hired us to come up with the entire marketing program - everything from the logo to the printing of the final concept was our idea. We are pretty proud of the slogan "Your Organic Lawn Barber".....we LOVE it! *

Ali Invites

This was our first project together! It's my wedding reception invitation. Its printed on fairly decent stock and included an event calendar that spanned over 4 days! It was a lot of fun and I thought the invites represented us very well - everyone loved them!

Friday, February 26, 2010


Thanks for visiting Zuzu blog!...Come back soon and see all the fun stuff we have been working on.